Weekend Services
We currently have four service times: Saturday at 6pm, Sunday at 9am, 11:15am, and 6pm. For the Sunday 9am and 11:15am times, we offer services in two locations on both the North and South sides of Colorado Blvd. For most of our services, the message and music are primarily the same. The Sunday service at 6pm (Fusion) is geared for 18-35 year olds and is a bit different from the other services. Kids Church (Birth-5th grade) is available at all services. For students in 6-8th grades, we have the 678 program at the Saturday night service only.
What is a weekend experience like?
Services typically last an hour and a half. We gather together to sing songs, listen to a message and pray. All are welcome! Much of the music is unique to our community and is performed by a talented band of musicians. The talks are biblically-based and relevant to our everyday lives. We try to be as friendly and welcoming as possible. Don’t be surprised if someone smile and greets you. We’re excited to be together as we’re inspired by God’s love for us. Our hope is that you will feel at home when you attend one of our services.
Where can I park?
We have a parking lot located at the corner of Colorado Blvd and Ellenwood Ave. on campus and in the 2435 Colorado bldg (north campus). We also have parking available on the corner of College View and Colorado (large Orange Bldg). We also have rented a large amount of parking spaces at the Eagle Rock Plaza near the Target – only two blocks west of the church. Street parking is very limited, and out of courtesy for our neighbors we ask that you park at Eagle Rock Plaza. Click here for more info on directions, parking, and our campus map.
What about my kids?
We have a fun Kids Church program that is offered by a staff of over 300 qualified volunteers. Your kids will have a blast playing on a state of the art playground, participating in story time, singing songs and making friends. Just check your kids in to our secure kid zone under the tents. There are signs to point the way. Click here for more info.
What about high school or middle school students (6-8th gr)?
They are welcome to join us in any of the main worship services. High school students meet as a group on Wednesday nights and and 678 students meet as a group on Saturday night. Click here for more info.
What should I wear?
Casual and comfortable. You’ll see people wearing everything from shorts and flip-flops or jeans and t-shirts to nice slacks and dresses. It’s up to you. Come as you are.
How do I get to know people at the church?
The best way is to spend time with people. You can do this on the weekends but it really takes more than a common weekend experience to get to know someone. That’s why we have LIFE GROUPS. They are smaller groups of people who meet through out the week in homes and coffee shops to build friendships and to encourage one another to trust and follow Jesus. Click here for more info about Life Groups.
Can I contact someone at the church?
Of course you can. We’d like to know who you are and to know how we can serve you. You’re welcome to email us at info@cachurch.com or call us at 323.255.1421.