Service Times

2023 Kingdom Magazine

We’re excited for you to check out the first ever Christian Assembly Church magazine!

As a Christian Assembly Church family, one of our values is “Kingdom” by which we mean sharing God’s transforming grace with others around us, in the city, and around the world, just as God shared it with us in His Son, Jesus Christ.  This includes both acts of mercy and justice as well as verbally telling people about Jesus Christ and how they can be saved by his life, death, and resurrection.

Because of the faith, service, prayers, and giving of the people of Christian Assembly, people’s lives and eternities are being changed in our city and around the world.  In fact, we created a magazine filled with stories just from the last 12 months of how God has been at work both in us and through us!

Click here for the digital PDF version of the Christian Assembly Magazine.

We encourage you to not only read the magazine, but also pray for each of our kingdom efforts.  Plus, there are next steps available via the QR codes.  Prayerfully consider what your next step might be in partnering with all that God is doing both locally and globally through our church family.  It’s a joy to see God at work through each person who is part of the Christian Assembly Church family!