Current Series
The God Of Mondays – Finding God At Work
5-Week Series | Mar. 8/9 – Apr. 5/6
“Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday.” Research shows that on Mondays, 50% of employees are late to work, productivity is at its lowest, and the average person doesn’t smile until almost noon! Why is it that we all dread Mondays so much? Imagine if we could turn the most dreaded day of the week into a day full of purpose and impact. You were made for so much more than just ‘surviving’ your work week. You were made to thrive in it! Invite a friend and join us for our new 5-week series “The God of Mondays” and see how God is not just the God of the weekends, but of our work weeks too.
Regular In-Person Service Times: SAT. 6pm | SUN. 9am, 11:15am & 6pm*
*All Services held in the South Sanctuary (2424 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041) with exception to the Sunday 11:15am Service and Sunday 6pm Service (Fusion/18-35 yr olds) which is also in the North Sanctuary (2435 Colorado Blvd.).
Online Services posted on our Website, App, & YouTube on Sundays at 9am.