Retreat Scholarships
What You Need to Know About Scholarships
1. Scholarship funds are only possible because of the generous donations of others at CA. Scholarships are awarded as funds are available. We don’t want money to keep anyone from attending, but we also cannot guarantee that you will receive a scholarship.
2. Scholarships are work-based. You are required to give back 1 hour of volunteer time for every $15 of scholarship received. When you work off your hours, we ask that your hours be above and beyond any ways you already serve at the church. For instance, if you already serve with CA Students or you lead a Life Group or volunteer at Kids Church, those hours would not count toward your scholarship. All hours must be committed to when turning in this request and should be completed by March 30, 2025.
3. If you are interested in applying for a Retreat scholarship, the next step is to fill out an application by clicking here. Once you submit the application, our team will review and will notify you as to whether or not you have received a scholarship.