Service Times

Rebecca’s Parent Encouragement

January 2022

Happy New Year, Kids Church Parents! If your holiday season was anything like mine, it was not without some “bumps”. But my hope is that you were able to connect with those dear to you and celebrate the One whose birth makes it possible for all things to be made new. 

And speaking of new….as this new year begins, I officially start my new role on the Kids Church staff. I am grateful and excited and honored and a little nervous in moments. But more than anything I am thankful. I’m thankful that God has led me here and has opened this door for me to get to do this incredibly meaningful (and fun) work. It is such a privilege to support you, parents, as you raise your kids to love and follow Jesus. And it’s not just me. I hope that you know how much the Kids Church staff cares for you and prays for you as well as your children.

One of the new ways of connecting with the kids and creating opportunities for discipleship that the Kids Church staff has discovered is Zoom. (Is it just me? Did everyone else know about Zoom before March 2020? haha!) I have been on staff for over 11 years and it has always been a desire of mine to create a discipleship opportunity for the kids outside of the weekend services. But there were so many obstacles- a main one being the fact that there didn’t seem to be a good time for parents to drive to Eagle Rock with their kids mid-week. And then everything shut down and we had to go online and all of a sudden, the majority of the previous obstacles were eliminated. Over the past (almost) 2 years, kids from preschool through 5th grade have gathered on Zoom to connect with one another and grow closer to Jesus. Personally, I had some really significant moments with 345 girls as we looked at fear and anxiety and how the Lord wants to walk alongside us and help us to fight those enemies. 

In just a few weeks our entire church, kids included, will be starting a new series called “Experiencing God”. As we have been busy creating curriculum and writing lessons and making videos and coming up with activities, I have been so encouraged by the reminder that God WANTS to be known. He wants to be known by you. He wants to be known by your kids. Jeremiah 29:13 says “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” But God is not hiding trying to make it difficult for us to find Him. It’s not like that one shoe that is lost and literally only a mom can find. He is right here with all of the goodness, hope, joy, love, wisdom, peace, encouragement, comfort we could ever need. All we need to do is just turn our face toward Him. 

Now, I know that much of pre-March 2020 life has resumed. And I know that life can be busy and full. But I want to encourage you to sign your kiddo up for one of the Kids Church small groups. This discipleship opportunity is one of the ways that Kids Church hopes to help your child experience God in deeper ways through His Word, prayer and through connection with one another. It is one of the ways that in this new year, Kids Church wants to support you as you teach your children to turn their face toward God. 

As we continue into 2022 together, I am praying for you and your families- that you would experience the Lord and His goodness in new ways this year. That you would know His love and care for you. That you would be encouraged and strengthened and filled with hope.

With gratitude,
