Money Back Tithe Challenge
Tom Hughes
Giving is not only good for us, but it is goodness through us. Our tithes and offerings are used to not only keep CA strong, but also to empower all that we are doing both locally as well as around the world. Thank you for being part of making all of this possible as together we lead spiritually convinced and unconvinced people to complete commitment to Christ.
Take the Challenge
Step 1: You sign-up so we know that you are officially doing the challenge. You may register online with the link below, or at any of our weekend services.
(Sign up no later than Sunday, February 23rd).
Step 2: For the 3-month period of March-May 2025, give 10% of your income during those months back to God through Christian Assembly. The word “tithe” in the Bible just means “one tenth” or 10%.
Step 3: Pray and watch for God’s blessing on your life during the 3 months.
Step 4: At the end of the 3-month challenge, if you want the money back, simply email requesting a refund no later than June 30th, 2025. We will confirm from our registration list that you had registered to do the challenge, and then refund you all the money you gave during the 3-month period, no questions asked.
Attached HERE is a document with more information and a list of frequently asked questions regarding the money back tithe challenge.