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Kingdom Partners







Juli Boit attended Christian Assembly for many years and was both a volunteer and participant in many ministries.  Juli moved to Kenya in 2004 and founded Living Room Ministries International (LRMI). This opportunity allows Juli to fulfill a dream God has given her, to start a hospice home for those who are in their last stages of life. Juli and Titus met in Kenya and now have started a beautiful family and continue to serve faithfully with the Living Room.

Click here for more information on Living Room Ministries International.

David and Allison Tarus live and serve in the rural community of Chebaiywa, Kenya. David is a farmer, businessman, evangelist, and community development expert who has been instrumental in empowering his community with such projects as: health clinic, Christian elementary school, children’s home, Living Room International (LRI), and Onesimus Dairy Cooling Plant. His main roles currently are Director of Brook of Faith Academy and LRI Kenya Board Chairman. Allison served with Empowering Lives International in the Chebaiywa community for 11 years creating a wide range of community health programs. She has served with LRI, located in the same community, since its inception in 2009 as the Program Development Liaison.

God has blessed David and Allison with a dynamic family. Today (May 2017), their family consists of 6 biological children, 5 orphan children from the community, 3 children of David’s brother who passed away in 2001, 1 child of David’s sibling who is unable to support her own children, and any other visitors who show up at their doorstep on a daily basis for a variety of reasons.







Peter and Tammy Russell, and their four children, Skyler , Chase, and twins Sianna and Leighton have been a part of the CA family since 1999 and have lived among the Maasai people of Kenya for many years. Peter, a missionary kid himself, actually grew up on the Maasai Mara. The Russell children have all grown up in Africa, and consider it home.

The Russells are currently serving in Arusha, Tanzania where they founded Wild Hope International, an organization that focuses on developing East Africa’s emerging leaders, to empower them to transform their communities. These efforts are accomplished through biblically-based discipleship, income generation programs, and the hosting of strategic teams.

Click here for more information on Wild Hope International.

Al and Stacy have been a part of CA since the mid-1990’s and since 2004 have been living in the Czech Republic, serving with Young Life International.  Al is now the Regional Director for Young Life in Central and and Eastern Europe.  Their goal is to continue developing national leader in this area of the world who have a heart for reaching out to the unchurched youth.

Young Life is active in all 50 states and more than 102 countries, reaching over 2 million teenagers annually. Young Life leaders leave the comfort of their adult worlds and enter the arena of high school and middle school life. You will find Young Life leaders sitting in the stands at football games, walking the streets of inner-city neighborhoods, driving carloads of kids to the shopping malls or tutoring students in study centers after school. In fact, you will find them almost anywhere you can find kids.








CA has partnered with Carlos and Rossy and La Roca Ministries in Tijuana, Mexico for over a decade. La Roca reaches out to touch people’s lives that are devastated by poverty, neglect, despair, and addiction. Carlos and Rossy’s desire is to mirror Christ’s compassion and concern to these people.

La Roca’s Kingdom efforts are accomplished through the following ministries:
-A church located in Tijuana, where there is also Bible school, empowering members to grow in their fellowship of Jesus Christ.
-A homeless shelter located at the church, which provides overnight housing to over 80 men every night, many of whom have recently been deported or are battling with addictions.
-A 35-acre LA Roca Rehabilitation Ranch; providing a place for men to not only rehabilitate from drug and alcohol addiction, but also be introduced to Jesus Christ.
-The House of Grace; a home for women and children, many of whom have been ravaged by drugs, rape, and prostitution.

Click here for more information on La Roca Ministries.







Carlos and Edna Ilustre lead Breakthrough Church, a community in an impoverished area of greater Manila, Philippines seeking to offer hope, freedom, and opportunities to help break the cycle of poverty.







The Bennetts have been a part of CA since 2003 where they served in a number of ways within the life of the community, including Student Ministries, Fusion, the Worship Team, and a local ministry to reach at-risk youth in Hollywood. In 2008, after a period of discernment they were led to pioneer a work to serve among Muslim peoples in Russia. In 2013 they were removed from Russia and now serve in Central Asia, where they continue to work with Muslims. They are doing clean water projects and planting churches in villages.

Due to the sensitive nature of the Bennett’s work, we are only able to provide a limited amount of information at this time.







Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iranians have become increasingly disillusioned with Islam. The political, economic, and spiritual situation has created a deep spiritual hunger for truth. This has resulted in the unprecedented growth of the Iranian church. Elam Ministries’ vision is that all the people of the Iran region would have the opportunity to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and follow him, and be instrumental in taking the gospel to other Muslims. They seek to do this by training leaders and workers to be effective ministers of the gospel, equipping the Church with resources, and sending leaders and workers out to grow the Church while providing relief for the poor and persecuted. Though the church is rapidly growing in this region, this vital work continues to be done amidst the persecution of Christians in a volatile political and religious climate.  Click here to learn more about Elam Ministries.

Since 2010 CA has partnered with FEBC Vietnam to help advance the Gospel in this restricted country.  FEBC Vietnam is a member of Far East Broadcasting Company International which broadcasts the Gospel through radio and new media channels in 130 languages in 50 countries. CA’s partnership with FEBC Vietnam includes the translation and broadcast of CA’s sermon messages and training material to expand the Gospel impact in Vietnam.  Click here to learn more about FEBC.







Sarah Dornbos serves as a local missionary and the director for our Kids Hope program at Eagle Rock Elementary. For over a decade we have recruited and trained volunteer mentors to work one-on-one with at-risk students identified by the school. Click here to learn more about Kids Hope.




Josh is a graduate of Life Pacific College. He has attended Christian Assembly and been involved in serving with various ministries of the church since 2014. Josh currently serves as the only Area Representative for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for the whole San Fernando Valley.

FCA was started in 1954 when a young basketball coach recognized that athletes and coaches have tremendous influence, and that they could use this influence for the sake of Christ and His kingdom. Today, FCA is the largest sports ministry in the world, serving athletes and coaches from peewee to professional levels all throughout the United States, and in 47 other countries. We preach the Gospel at our campus outreach events, camps, and clinics, but we also coach both the athletes and the coaches to become the spiritual leaders and representatives of the Gospel that they have been called to be so that they can then do the work of the ministry.

Click here for more information about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes



For a full list of our 2023 Kingdom Partnerships and Efforts, click here.