Service Times

LG-Leader Guide-9.15.18

“Anxious For Nothing”: September 15/16

Speaker: Tom Hughes

Below are some study questions that will help you and your Life Group dig deeper into this weekend’s sermon.  We’ve included plenty of questions, but feel free to use just a few or to choose whichever questions best fit your group.

Bible Questions:

  1. Read Philippians 4:6-8.
    1. Ask group members to read the passage again on their own and make note of anything that stands out to them. Here are some questions you can ask to stimulate discussion:  What do you notice in this passage?  What can we learn from this passage?  What does this passage teach us about God?

Application Questions:

  1. Tom’s sermon focused on celebrating God’s goodness by celebrating God’s sovereignty. He pointed out that, “Celebrating God’s sovereignty is hardest to do on the days we need it the most.”
    1. Share some of the circumstances in your life in which it has been challenging for you to celebrate God’s sovereignty?
    2. How would celebrating God’s sovereignty in tough circumstances change things?
  2. Tom taught that God’s throne is for God not us. He added, “Anxiety is often the result of ‘perceived chaos’, but when we see that God is on His throne our anxiety decreases.”
    1. Where have you experienced anxiety because of “perceived chaos”?
    2. How has seeing God on his throne and understanding who He is helped to decrease your anxiety?
  3. Tom said, “Even when the deck is stacked against us, the game is not over until God plays His hand.” Read Romans 8:28 & Genesis 50:20.
    1. To encourage one another, share where have you seen God use negative circumstances for your good?
  4. During his sermon, Tom had us list things which produce anxiety in us that are either “inside” or “outside” our control. (Consider doing this in the group.)
    1. What did you learn by doing this exercise?
    2. What are some of the actions you can take on things which are causing you anxiety, but are “inside” your control?
    3. What can you do with the things “outside” your control?

Closing & Prayer: [set aside 10-20 minutes for prayer]

Take prayer requests and pray for one another.  Pray for God’s grace to help you celebrate His goodness, and recognize His sovereignty in your life.