Service Times

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is an ancient practice that simply means divine (or spiritual) reading. It is the practice of reading the Bible slowly and intentionally as a way of inviting God to speak to you through his Word. This can be done individually, but is also a powerful exercise of worship when practiced in community.

Purpose: To invite God to speak to you through his Word.


  1. Choose a passage from the Bible to focus on. This can be as short as one verse or as long as 8-10 verses. The Psalms are a great place to start – consider beginning with Psalm 86:1-10.
  2. Invite the group to take a posture that is comfortable to them – ie sitting with hands open in front of them, laying on the floor, etc.
  3. Begin with one minute of silence.
  4. Pray and invite God to speak.
  5. Read Psalm 86:1-10 over the group slowly. Before reading, invite the group to pay attention to a word or phrase that stands out as you read.
  6. When finished reading, invite the group to silently reflect on the word or phrase that stood out to them. Allow God to speak to you; be aware of any emotion or memories the word or phrase may stir for you. If a word or phrase did not stand out, that’s ok – just be still. [at least one minute]
  7. Read the passage again. Before reading, ask the group to pay attention to why that word caught their attention. What might God want to show you or teach you through those words?
  8. When finished reading, invite the group to dialogue with God quietly about what they are hearing or feeling. Listen for God’s response. [at least one minute]
  9. Read the passage a third time. This time, invite the group to consider how God might want them to respond to the word or phrase or the reading.
  10. When finished reading, invite the group to dialogue with God quietly about how he might want them to respond. Listen for God’s response. [at least one minute]
  11. Invite the group to rest in God’s presence – be silent/still.
  12. In closing, let the group know that if a word or phrase did not stand out, that’s okay. Encourage the group to keep returning to the passage or their word/phrase throughout the week with the intention of integrating that word into their life.
  13. Close in prayer.

Note: Before leading this exercise for the first time or in group, it’s helpful to do this exercise on your own and lead yourself through it individually.