Service Times

CA Singles

A welcoming community of single adults (35+) navigating through life…

Our mission is driven by four core values:

  1. Uniting Singles (35+) in a safe community
  2. Growing together spiritually in our intimacy with God
  3. Supporting one another through the ups and downs of life 
  4. Impacting our community through service

CA Singles meets once a month at various times. We meet to develop our spiritual growth through teachings, fun, fellowships, prayer, etc.  Additionally, this group gathers as a community to make a difference in the lives of one another and for others, through service.

upcoming events:

Event:  Game Night and Potluck with Hoving Home
Location:  Hoving Home, Pasadena – Address provided to those attending
Date:  March 29, 2025
Time:  4:30 p.m
Details: We will be having dinner with the women at Hoving Home as a network outreach to get to know them. Hoving Home is a recovery home helping women rebuild their lives from various addictions so that they can fulfill their God-given purpose. Dinner starts promptly at 5 p.m. so come around 4:30 p.m. We will hear a testimony from one of the staff and then have an opportunity to pray for the women at your tables. Men must not be alone with the women so join other CA Singles women. After dinner, we will have some fun group and board/card games. See for more info.
Food: Potluck, but CA will supply the main dish. So, if you can bring salads, appetizers, deserts and drinks, that would be great.
RSVP:  We have a 15-20 volunteer limit due to space so please if you KNOW you want to join us, please confirm via email:

Event:  Navigating Finances as Singles with speaker, Jorge Fernandez
Location: Christian Assembly Cafe (2417 Colorado Blvd.)
Date:  May 22, 2025
Time:  6:30 p.m. fellowship/snack; 7 p.m. speaker
Speaker: Jorge Fernandez, Stewardship Pastor with Christian Assembly
Topic: With decades of experience in financial consulting, Jorge has spent years on CA staff helping the church community navigate stewardship from a Godly perspective. Further details to come on this exact seminar, but attendees will certainly walk away with tangible advice and skills to better approach their finances the way God calls them to.
Food: Snacks to be provided, but feel free to bring something to share with others.

RSVP:  Email to let us know you’re coming, and bring a friend!

Volunteer Opportunities:

Easter Outreach:  Three Opportunities
1) We will be making 100 Easter baskets on April 6 from 12:30 p.m. on Sunday.
2) Easter Outreach event at Hope Gardens on April 12 from 9am – 1 p.m.
3) Easter Outreach lunch with the Seniors at Hope Gardens on the same day as the outreach.

Life groups for ca singles:

Explore  8 Week Mission Oriented Life Group
Join one of 11 Explore groups to start the first week of Feb 2025.  Go to to sign up or to see where the groups are.  A few of our singles are also leading these groups if you would like to join.  Let them know if you are interested in more info.
Wendy Wang with Wendy Strong – Thursdays 7 p.m. in Glendale – Women’s only group
Bob Todd with Terry Reed – Mondays 6:30 p.m. in Monrovia – Co-Ed
Lily Yee & Greg Oda – Saturday 10 a.m. in South Pasadena – Co-Ed

CA Singles Prayer Group

If you would like one-on-one individual prayer via Zoom or in person, there is a separate team of people who will coordinate with you to pray more specifically.

For questions, to lead a group or to get connected to any of the above groups, please email

If you are interested in joining the planning team or leading/hosting
an event or a life group, please contact us at

Remember that we are here for you, so e-mail us if you need prayer or have any questions.

For more info about any of these events or to join our mailing list, please contact us at

Find us on Facebook under CA Singles Group: CA Singles Group | Facebook
and request to join so you can talk to other members and see pictures of our events.