Service Times

Emotionally Healthy Relationship Skills

The skills that help families, friends and couples sustain love and intimacy are not difficult to learn. This course  provides tools that, if incorporated into your daily life, can have a profound effect in building intimacy and trust.  Learn how to enrich and strengthen all your relationships (including the one with yourself and with God).

Dates: April 9, 2018 – June 4, 2018

Day/Time:  Mondays at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Cost:  $25.

Location: 2435 Colorado Blvd (North Campus), Room 21.

Register Here

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction and Community Temperature Reading (CTR): A tool to increase the awareness of your value and  build healthy relationships

Week 2: Stop Mind Reading and Clarify Expectations: Two skills that help prevent misunderstandings

Week 3: Genogram Your Family: Understanding how we were shaped by our families, equips us to break destructive patterns

Week 4: Explore the Iceberg: Understanding the forces and motivations below the surface that are causing us to live inconsistent lives

Week 5: Incarnational Listening: A crucial relationship skill that can be learned

Week 6: Climb the Ladder of Integrity: A tool to identify what we value and  uphold what is most important to us

Week 7: Clean fighting: Learning how to process and negotiate  differences

Week 8: Develop a Rule of Life to Implement Emotionally Healthy Skills: Nurturing a growing spirituality in which we love God and others well

Register Here


“This is an outstanding experience for small groups and even as individuals. Pete and Geri don’t just talk about how to be more emotionally healthy, they actually show you! It equips you with great exercises to use with your spouse, friends, co-workers.”





Email or call (323)641-6760