Service Times

Women’s Retreat FAQ’s

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about Retreat.

1. How soon do I need to sign up?
Spots are limited, so we recommend signing up as soon as possible.  Registration will open on September 5, 2024.

2. Where are we going?
We will be staying at Forest Home Christian Camp Center in the San Bernardino Mountains, and lots of churches have hosted their weekends retreats here for decades! For more info on Forest Home and to see a video tour of the facility, click here.

3. How does rooming work?
When you register, you’ll be able to give us the name(s) of women you’d like to room with. Rooming requests are not guaranteed but will be considered.  When you register, you’ll also be able to let us know if you have any mobility issues that might affect where we room you (ie bottom level instead of upstairs, close to main meeting hall, etc.).

4. How do meals and food work?
The Retreat includes dinner on Friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Forest Home offers the following dietary options: a) gluten-free, b) dairy-free, c) egg-free, d) vegan, e) vegan and gluten-free, and f) gluten-free and dairy-free. As the Retreat gets closer, we’ll email you a separate registration link provided by Forest Home where you can let them know any food preferences you have.

5. What will we do at Retreat?
Check back shortly to see the weekend program.

6. What if I can’t afford the cost of Retreat?
We don’t want money to stop anyone from attending Retreat, and we do have limited scholarships available. Scholarships are provided by donations from people in our church community and are given on an as-needed basis. All scholarships are work-based and only cover part of the cost of Retreat. To apply for a scholarship, email

7. How can I help others to attend Retreat?
If you’d like to donate to our Women’s Retreat Scholarship Fund and make it possible for other women to attend who may not otherwise be able to afford Retreat, email

8. Can I bring my kid(s)?
If you have an infant 6 months or younger, you are welcome to bring him/her. The cost is free, but you would need to find four (4) other women who would be willing to stay in your cabin with you.

9. Is carpooling available?
When you register, you can let us know if you’d like to carpool to Retreat. As the event gets closer, we will email out a list of people who say they want to carpool so that you can reach out and find a ride or people to drive with you.

10. What should I bring to Retreat?
As the Retreat gets closer, we’ll email out a suggested packing list of items you can consider bringing with you.

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