Service Times

Christmas Ideas for Your Story Group

We’ll be taking a break from The Story due to Christmas for the weeks of December 13/14, 20/21 and 27/28.  Consider using one of those weeks to celebrate Christmas with your Story group!  Here are some ideas you can consider:

  • Host a Christmas party and have your group bring festive desserts to share
  • Host a white elephant gift exchange where you all bring cheesy gifts from around the house and have fun exchanging them
  • Do a meal together at someone’s home
  • Set aside an evening to read what the Bible says about Jesus’ birth and what we’re really celebrating in this season.  Click here for some passages you can consider reading.
  • Go caroling!  Or maybe just sing some Christmas songs as a group in your home!
  • Set aside time to pray for one another in response to this question: “What is one way we can be praying for you this Christmas?”
  • Ask a Christmas themed ice-breaker question, like “What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?” or “What’s your favorite Christmas tradition?”