Service Times

You’re Invited — Women’s Events at CA






Join us for some of our upcoming women’s events and groups at Christian Assembly.  Click on the links below for more info.

Women’s Gathering
Thurs., Sept. 5 at 7PM
Join us for a night of worship, connecting with other women, and being encouraged from God’s Word! Come as early as 5PM to enjoy a FREE taco dinner! Please click here to RSVP so we have enough tacos!

Women’s Bible Study
Starts Sept. 24/25
Join us for worship, teaching and group discussion as we study the book of Philippians in the Bible. Childcare is available. Meets Tuesdays at 7PM & Wednesdays at 9:30AM on the church campus. Online and satellite groups are also available. For more info or to register for childcare, click here.

CA Moms
Starts Sept. 25
Connect with other moms and be encouraged in your parenting. Breakfast is provided. Childcare is also available. Meets on Wednesdays at 9:30AM to 11:30AM. Click here to register.

Women’s Retreat l TWO Weekends
March 7-9 & 14-16, 2025
Escape the busyness of life in Los Angeles and connect with God and community at Women’s Retreat. We’ll spend the weekend at Forest Home Christian Conference Center in the San Bernardino Mountains. Registration opens at Women’s Gathering on Sept. 5th. Click here for more info.

Other Groups & Opportunities
We have women’s Life Groups & Prayer Groups, as well as opportunities to serve or a lead a group. For more info, click here.

Email or call 323-255-1421 and ask to speak with one of our women’s ministry pastors.