Service Times

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions you might be asking about leading CA with Life Groups @ Home.

Is it ok for Life Groups to meet in person based on the governor’s guidelines for places of worship?

CA’s leadership team has reviewed the 13-page guidelines and based on our review, yes, we believe it’s allowable for Life Groups to meet in person if they abide by the guidelines (social distancing, masks, etc).  

How would people find my group?

The best way to gather people to a new Life Group is your personal invitation.  In addition to those you already know who attend CA we encourage you to invite neighbors, coworkers, friends and family.  In addition to your invitations, we list all open life groups on our CA website so people looking for a life group can see your group and contact you.  If you prefer for your group not to be listed online and you’d rather rely on your own personal invitations, just let us know.

Can I cap the size of the group? 

Yes.  Depending on the size of your meeting space and “social distancing” guidelines, you can set the maximum size of the group. 

What will my group do when we meet?

  • Watch the weekend sermon together
  • Briefly discuss the sermon (discussion guides provided by CA)
  • Pray for one another

When would my group meet?

We are encouraging that meetings take place during one of our regular service times (Sat 6pm, Sun 9am, 11:15am and 6pm).  If for some reason those times do not work, please let us know.

Where should we meet?  

Typically, our life groups have met in a variety of locations:  homes, backyards, offices, parks, and even restaurants.  Since not all those places are currently available it will most likely be in your home, a park, or backyard.  You can meet wherever you are most comfortable.  Where possible, we encourage you to meet outside.  (You may know someone with a larger home or yard where they’d be willing to host if you were willing to lead.)

Who gets to attend my group?

Our life group leaders get to choose the type of group they are most comfortable leading.  You can lead a group for women only, men only, co-ed adults, married couples or families.  If you want help deciding what type of group to lead, one of our Community Life Pastors would be happy to chat with you.

Do we have to abide by the governor’s guidelines?

Yes.  We are asking that everyone in these groups would abide by the governor’s stated guidelines.  (There is a link to the13-page governor’s guidelines at the bottom of this page.)   Some of the guidelines as you will see are open to interpretation.  For example, some actions are strongly discouraged, but not explicitly forbidden.  So we will leave those up to your discretion and comfort.  However, we ask that to the best of your ability you abide by the items that are expressly required, including: 

  • social distancing
  • wearing masks
  • no shared meals or potlucks

We also ask that you follow all the current guidelines for being in public, and we strongly advise you to not allow people to join the group who are not feeling well or have a fever, etc.

Should we allow those over the age of 65 or who have a compromised immune system to join our group?

For those over age 65, or who have a compromised immune system, we strongly recommend they be encouraged to consider a Life Group that meets online.  However, this is a personal decision as some in this category might feel 100% comfortable meeting in person.

What is the time commitment for meeting in person?

We are asking that groups meet for 6-8 weekends starting as soon as June 20/21 and ending by August 8/9. .  If at any point you do not feel comfortable meeting in person or want to switch to meeting online, you can do that.  If the governor’s guidelines allow CA to resume “normal” on-campus meetings during that time, then most likely these groups would cease meeting on the weekends.  (We are paying close attention to the guidelines and will immediately communicate to you any changes in plans.)

Will I be supported by one of the pastors or receive leadership training/equipping?

Yes.  Everyone who decides to lead one of these groups will be contacted and then given ongoing support by one of CA’s Community Life Pastors (generally the pastor associated with the service you normally attend).  They are also available to provide training in how to successfully lead a group.

How do I sign up to lead “CA with Life Groups @ Home”?

The next step is to fill out a leadership application and one of our Community Life Pastors will be in touch after you’ve submitted your application.  You can find the application by clicking here.

You can read the full governor’s guidelines for “places of worship” by clicking this link: 

Click below for the CDC guidelines “how to protect yourself and others”:

Didn’t find your answer here? Email us at