Service Times

Hope Isn’t Canceled.

A lot of things have been canceled this year – graduations, birthday parties, wedding receptions, vacations, coffee dates, and the list goes on.  But we are declaring that hope isn’t canceled.

Hope is more than wishful thinking or crossing our fingers until things change. Hope is a confident expectation in what God has promised.  No matter what you’re facing right now, God is with you, and He’s bigger than your pain, your struggles and the darkest pieces of you.  God created you, He loves you, and He has good plans for you.  He works in all things for the good of those who love Him.

Hope isn’t canceled because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose to new life three days later.  Hope isn’t canceled because all who live with faith in Jesus will be made right with God and will receive the free gift of eternal life. If you are not living with hope and faith in Jesus, you can decide and begin to right now. One of our Pastors would be happy to connect with you.

At Christian Assembly Church, we are declaring hope when life is full of uncertainty because our God always offers hope!

We’ve included below some Bible verses to encourage you in this season, as well as some video stories of people from Christian Assembly who are declaring the hope we have in Jesus Christ.