Service Times

Healthy Marriage Project

As we have prayed, we believe this is a step the Lord is asking us to take to help strengthen marriages.  We believe this effort will not only serve the couple, but also have a ripple effect impacting others around the couple including any children, extended family members, and more. Therefore, Christian Assembly Church is offering to pay 80% of the Christian marriage counseling fees for up to 24 total sessions for any approved couple who would like to do counseling with Christian counseling centers that we are partnering with for this effort. 

We will help couples on a first-come, first-served basis up to 100 couples which is the amount of couples our partnered counseling centers can handle for this endeavor.  To be eligible, you must register. The registration window opens Saturday Feb. 24, 2024.  It will close once we hit 100 couples or by March 10, 2024, whichever comes first.  Point being, the sooner you sign up, the better.  

Want more information? Visit our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page HERE.

We have received 100 couples. God is on the move!

At this moment, we aren’t taking any more applications.